Tue 17 Oct 2023


The RSTC AGM will be held at Wokingham Methodist Church on Wednesday 25th October 2023.

The 25th Annual General Meeting of Rose Street Theatre Club will be held at the Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, on Wednesday 25th October 2023 starting at 7pm. Prior to the meeting, light refreshments will be served from 6.30pm.

The Guest Speaker will be Tony Earle whose subject will be 'The Fascinating History of Kodak', which will be followed by the AGM itself.

The Agenda is:

Chairman's Report

Treasurer's Report

Acceptance of Accounts for 2022-23

Appointment of Officers for 2023-24

Results and Analysis of this year's Members' Questionnaire

Announcement of the winner of the Questionnaire prize draw

Any Other Business with questions and discussion from Members